Enrich your dictionary with important cryptocurrency terms.
The total market value of a given cryptocurrency can be found on CoinMarketCap.
This is the maximum number of parts of a given cryptocurrency that should exist. Some cryptocurrencies have a limited amount and enter the circulation gradually. In this case we refer to a deflationary currency. Other cryptocurrencies have an unlimited amount. The maximum number of Bitcoins in circulation will be 21 million.
A virtual digital 3D space inhabited by avatars, in which cryptocurrencies, blockchain, NFT, and smart contracts play an important role.
The solving of cryptographic calculations. This process aims to verify and create a block. If a block is successfully closed and thus the "cryptographic puzzle" is solved, the miner receives a reward as a certain number of cryptocurrencies.
One of the best-known anonymous cryptocurrencies, designed for maximum privacy. Its transactions aren't trackable or traceable.